Is spiritual companionship a good fit for you?
If you are interested in making meaning out of Big Life Stuff, you are welcome here.
Whether you subscribe to a particular organized religious system, categorize yourself as “spiritual but not religious,” identify as agnostic, or are firmly an atheist, spiritual companionship offers a non-judgmental space to explore questions of meaning, to dig deep, and to clarify what it is that matters most to you. Though it is often referred to as spiritual direction, spiritual companionship is intentionally non-directive—you get to define your journey and what it means for you. My goal is to walk with you as a traveling companion, and to simply hold a confidential space for you to explore, welcoming contemplative silence and occasionally asking reflective questions to help you clarify the answers you hold within yourself, to get in touch with your own inner wisdom and knowing. This is a brave space, and I strive to make it as safe as possible.
These are tools to help you untangle the plot of your life.
In addition to spiritual companionship, I can offer tarot readings as a tool to assist you on your journey. Tarot can be used as a mirror, reflecting back to us what’s happening under the surface of our consciousness. It can help us to see with greater clarity the answers we already hold within ourselves but have felt unable to find.
I am also interested in finding the spaces where tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) can be useful as tools in helping us re-situate ourselves as the protagonists of our stories and make meaning out of our experiences. In particular, I am developing some journaling games that can be used as exercises in introspection.
Spiritual companionship is…
I don’t walk into the room with an agenda or an intention beyond holding space for you to explore. You set the pace and the direction; I simply offer a receptive, reflective presence.
You are the expert on your life and your story. You know what works for you and what doesn’t, even if you haven’t found all the language for it yet. My job as your spiritual companion is to provide you with the space to throw language, philosophy, theology, and anything else at the wall to see what really makes sense to you, and to affirm you in your truth and the wisdom that you already hold inside of you.
It’s important to have a non-judgmental space to try out ideas and identities. Not sure if a particular spiritual label or belief fits you? This is your space to try it on for size. If it doesn’t work, you can try something else! We go deep in spiritual companionship, but that doesn’t mean you need to make a lifelong commitment to any of the ideas we talk about.
Spiritual companionship is not…
While there are similarities, spiritual companionship is not intended to replace the role of therapy. I am not a therapist and not qualified to diagnose or treat any mental health conditions.
There are similarities here as well, but coaches generally help you set goals and action plans for reaching those goals. There is an agenda set, at least in part, by the coach. In spiritual companionship, the agenda is dictated entirely by you; my presence is intended as reflective rather than directive.
While there is no “typical” session, exactly (everyone’s journey is unique, after all), some things you can generally expect are:
Something to mark the beginning of the session and help us land in the space (lighting a candle, taking a breath, pulling a tarot card, reading a poem—whatever feels centering for you).
Space for you to share what’s alive for you at the moment, open-ended questions to help you dig deeper, and plenty of space for silence and contemplation. You determine the direction we take in each session; I will listen and occasionally reflect back what I’m hearing.
The final 5 minutes or so will be a time for debrief: What stuck out to you in this session? What do you want to keep thinking about?
Everything we talk about in our session is honored and held in confidence.
Sessions generally happen once a month and typically last about an hour, although longer or more frequent sessions can potentially be arranged with advance notice.
I will primarily be holding sessions via Zoom, though in-person sessions may be arranged for folks local to the Twin Cities.
While I am still in training, sessions are provided at no cost to you. After I have completed my degree (likely mid-2025), I will establish a fee on a sliding scale, as I believe that this work should be as accessible as possible.